Monday, May 6, 2013

Racism In Malaysia.

Hello everyone,and first of all,I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this blog,This is just an opinion and everyone is entitle to one,I know I might get skull bash,but I don't want to be an ignorant prick. This PRU 13 really changes my mind a lot.If there's any mistake of me writing this,do please comment and correct me. I'm still new and fresh,so I might make a lot of it.


I want you to look at the text and picture above and tell me what you see.Is it a country that you love,country that you want to fight to make it stronger than any other.

For me,all I see is racism.
 (and racism wont make your country get any better)

How many countries are there that name themselves after their race ?

There's many.closest example.India,China and many more. I've never been to those other countries,so I don't know how race works there.But I'm currently staying in Indonesia,so I want to share some thoughts.

In Indonesia,they don't divide themselves among others by their race,instead by their decendent's, by their tribes,such as,Orang Jawa,Orang Sunda,Orang Palembang and the best one Ive heard is cina-indo. How I wish that my countrymen would call Chinese here as cina-malay,but I don't think that would happen.

Most Malays want to be united,but tell me folks,why cant we be united as a country,not united as a race,cant you see how racism are we in our country ? to cure racism,we need to admit it first,if not,I don't think things would get better.

Who created the word racism by the way,and why do that word seems to be a negative word and people are trying hard to cure and prevent it ? and what's wrong with being racist anyways ? all this question that been spinning around.Let's try to discuss it.

Lets put ourselves in their shoes for a moment,Imagine you are born Chinese or Indian in a country where most of the privileges are given to those so call "bumiputeras".Your father and mother are working hard to save money for your future education because they know that they might have to put you in private universities someday because you cant join in the “bumiputeras” universities that provide cheap fees and food.Because the government want to give special rights to the people who first come to this land.While you are actually immigrants that came to this land,brought by the British and others to work.

For me,this is sad.

Ok,so lets become a Malay instead,Your father and mother works hard to provide a better living for you and your other siblings,and keep telling you to study hard so you could get to a public universities,where you would become someone useful to the country,and not became like other malays that end up in prison or smoke drugs and ended up on the streets,they keep telling you how many malays are there in prison instead of chinese and Indians and keep telling Malays are getting worsen by the day,

You are being teached to become racist from the early days.

I’l end up this part one by things I witness the other day that made my heart really realise how bad the situation it is in Malaysia.

One day,I was in a local bank here In Malaysia, need to pay some stuff,later on,I saw a young mother and her daughter probably around 4 year old talking to the admins of the banks,I have no idea what theyre talking about but I keep looking at the kid because I think she is cute and adorable,jumping around happy smiling to other people.keep my heart warm,

 I overheard the conversation, I think that the mother wants to make a bank account for the daughter,”how many mothers does this actually ?” and the admin provide them with lots of information and severals promotion, after  a while, the mother and the kid seems happy to choose one because they think it was the best way to guarantee a safely future for that kid,

Suddenly, the bank admin say, “Im sorry miss,but this special promotion is only for bumiputera,we have other promotions if you wanted to.” And the mother look down to her daughter with a sad face but keep smiling to ensure the daughter that there’s always another way,the daughter then ask them, “what is bumiputera mother ? why cant I use this account ? I want that teddy bear !” I assume the teddy bear is given for a person who made that special account bank with them.

The admin is a young Indian lady,she looks sad by what the little girl say,she immediatly gave the little girl some ballons and some candy to cheer her up,the girl was happy and jump around while she try to talk to the mother, the mother was looking dissapointed but very happy by the way that the admin lady is treating them.She took some brochure and leave the place without making any bank accounts or whatsoever.

Inside my car,tears dropped.I keep asking myself,why does that kid have to go thru all this ? what god given rights for me to get special treatment while they cant, what kind of system am I living in where people who were born here,who bloods spill the same land as me,treated this way.

Remembering the events still give me a bit of a sad heart,

I will keep continuing to write about racism here. Hope you guys enjoyed what I wrote, I keep this for myself for quite some time because I dont think Malaysian people are ready,but I just couldnt hold back anymore. I hope all of you are opened towards this topic and give me comments of what you think or any other ideas,suggestion or stuff that happens infront of your eyes,please do not lie or make up stories  because that would indeed lead to a wrong information and might make things worse,we want to build a better future for our country.Thank you again.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pengejar Rembulan.

 "Kalau mata kita masuk habuk, mana boleh kita tiup keluar habuk itu sendiri. ”

Kata-kata dari ayahku yang sentiasa aku fikirkan tatkala dilanda kesunyian dan ketika tanda tanya tentang masa hadapanku merentasi kehidupan yang mendahagakan kebahagiaan ini.

          Tidak banyak yang boleh dicoretkan tentang corak warna hidupku, aku teringat di suatu masa ketika menghadiri temu duga pertamaku di sebuah syarikat yang aku rancangkan untuk kekal lama, Sambil menuju ke sebuah meja yang kelihatan tiada apa-apa kecuali sebuah komputer dan sedikit peralatan pejabat. Matanya tidak memandang aku sebaliknya tertumpu kepada skrin komputer.“ Please tell me more about yourself. ”  Tanya seorang wanita yang berada di lingkungan usia 40-an,dia seorang yang berkaum India,dari pandangan pertama,aku berpendapat yang dia seorang wanita yang sangat sibuk dalam menjalani kehidupannya,dari segi pemakaian dan penampilan, mungkin dia tidak cukup masa untuk menjaga dirinya,mungkin hanya memikirkan soal anak, sifat keibuan nyata jelas terpancar dari riak wajahnya.

     Aku terkedu. Soalan yang ditujukan menyebabkan otak aku terhenti, aku terus dilanda kejutan kerana tidak pernah menghadapi soalan sedemikian, walau sepanjang 25 tahun aku hidup dan berkenalan dengan manusia, walau pelbagai-bagai soalan ditujukan untuk mengenali diriku, tidak pernah sekali aku menghadapi kesulitan untuk menjawab, nyata ini sangat berlainan.

“I think I have nothing interesting to tell you about myself or my life.”  Jawab aku dengan suara yang agak sugul, entah bagaimana aku boleh keluar kenyataan berikut,masa selama 5 minit yang aku gunakan untuk menjawab soalan itu kerana dia kebetulan tengah membelek resume aku di komputernya menyebabkan aku dirudum kekecewaan, adakah kerana aku baru sedar yang hidup aku adalah kosong?, atau mungkin kerana aku tidak dapat menjawab soalannya dengan baik?. Atau mungkin kedua-duanya sekali. Soalan yang sangat mudah tetapi fikiranku melayang jauh entah kemana. Alhamdulillah aku tetap ditawarkan berkerja meskipun sedikit permasalahan. Nyata temuduga ini jelas menunjukkan bagaimana aku menjalani kehidupan ini. Tiada yang menarik atau berbaloi diceritakan.Aku perlukan perubahan.

Masa pun berlalu,aku sudah pun berhenti kerja dan sekarang tinggal bersama ayahku untuk mengerjakan tanah miliknya,aku berharap rezeki aku berada di sini.

“ Abah, kita ni jenis pendam, kalau ada masalah kita suka menyendiri ,pastu kalau rasa dah ok, baru kita keluar balik dari gua. Pastu kita bukan jenis bercampur sangat dengan orang, anti-social la kira. Susah nak percaya orang.”

Aku membahasakan diriku “kita” jikalau bercakap dengan ahli keluargaku yang lebih tua. Dan ketika itulah ayatnya menghantui hidupku.

Itulah salah satu kepentingan insan yang bergelar ‘Ayah’ , impak yang diberikan sangatlah besar. Dia menyedarkan yang selama ini aku hanyalah menjalani liku-liku hidup yang merugikan, aku terlepas banyak peluang untuk hidup lebih bahagia, lebih sempurna, dan lebih ke jalan yang sepatutnya,. Aku berdoa agar tuhan mengampunkan dosaku dan bersyukur atas nikmat yang diberikan. Aku juga akan cuba untuk tidak mensia-siakan hidupku lagi dengan benda yang mengkhayalkan lagi menyesatkan dan mengubah tabiat lamaku yang suka menyendiri dan menjalani hidup berseorangan. Aku bertekad untuk berubah. Bertekad Mengejar rembulan.

Ketika aku menghadapi masalah, ketika aku dirudum kesunyian, ketika aku tiada sesiapa untuk meluahkan perasaan, ketika aku tiada teman untuk bermanja,ketika aku tiada kawan untuk bergelak ketawa, aku sentiasa mengingati kata-kata yang diberikan oleh ayahku, aku tidak akan putus asa untuk meneruskan kehidupan, aku anggap ini semua dugaan yang diberikan oleh tuhan dan mungkin balasan kerana tidak menghargai mereka yang pernah ada disisiku. Aku hanya mampu memohon kepada Allah. Moga ilmu yang diberikan padaku dapat aku manfaatkan ke jalanMu.

Sebahagian keluarga dan saudara-mara.Ayahku berada di tengah dua dari kiri,dan aku di hujung kiri.


